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Study in Schengen

Schengen is a region in Europe that includes 26 countries and the traffic in them is possible for the citizens of the Schengen countries without any border restrictions and without the need to obtain a passport. The Schengen countries are:

Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Liechten Stein and Slovenia. In this article we will talk about studying in Schengen.


 Study conditions in Schengen

One of the visas issued to enter the Schengen area is the Schengen student visa and is for non-European students intending to continue their studies in Schengen. Under the Schengen study visa, students are granted a short-term stay of up to 9 months in a 6-month period for study. Since the study period for international students is more than 90 days, this group is eligible to receive a special type of Schengen study visa called a national visa or a Type D visa (multiple entry).

 Students applying for a Type D visa to study in Schengen must belong to one of the following groups:

    International students who travel to the area to study in Schengen for a specific period of time (less than a year) to study.
    International students intending to study in Schengen in one of the courses of the Schengen countries. This group of students applying to study in Schengen will be granted a one-year visa that can be extended.
    International applicants studying in Schengen who intend to do scientific and educational work in one of the prestigious research centers in each of the Schengen countries.

* A study visa in Schengen is issued by the embassy and consulate of the destination country.

At least 6 are required to have an IELTS language certificate to study in Schengen.

* The duration of study in Schengen is 2 years for undergraduate, 4 years for master and 4 years for doctorate (the length of study varies in some Schengen countries).

Documents required to obtain a Schengen study visa

1- Prepare the application form for studying in Schengen, which you can register electronically or print out from the form and complete and sign it and deliver it in person to the embassy of the destination country in the country of origin.

2 - Two identical photos taken during the last three months.

3- Payment of Schengen study visa (90 euros)

4 - Provide documents related to residence (this document is not required for people who prove that they receive sufficient funding during their studies in Schengen)

5. Specify the itinerary to study in Schengen (the itinerary is an approved document that can specify your flight schedule online, such as booking a plane, booking a ticket, confirming a flight, etc.).

6- Presenting a valid passport that has been obtained in the last 10 years and is valid for at least three months until the end of its term.

7- Copy of passport biometric data (biometric data includes name, image, fingerprint and digital image of passport holder image)

8- Certificate of obtaining a scholarship or paying the tuition of the first semester of the university to study in Schengen

9- Presenting the previous passport as well as identity documents such as identity card and a copy of its important pages

10-Provide translation of all documents into English

11- Submitting a certificate or letter of acceptance from a reputable university in Schengen

* It takes 3 months for your documents to be approved by the embassy to study in Schengen; But for people with student visas from other countries, the process takes less time and is usually one month after applying to study in Schengen.

Necessary conditions for obtaining a study visa in Schengen

There are a number of requirements for a Schengen study visa, some of which are as follows:

1. The applicant for study in Schengen must prove that he intends to return to his country of origin after completing his studies.

2. Having the financial means (you must prove that you can afford to pay all your expenses while studying in Schengen)

3- Having a history of traveling to Europe and conditions over the age of 30 are among the advantages that make it easier to obtain a Schengen study visa.

4. Presenting an IELTS language certificate of at least 6

5- Providing health insurance


Schengen study visa fee

The cost of a Schengen study visa is 90 euros, which can be paid in two ways:

1- In cash at the embassy of the country in question

2- It is through online payment or credit card. Of course, it should be noted that some countries do not accept payment in the form of a card.

* The visa required to study in Schengen is a type D visa or a long-term visa. This type of visa is one of the multiple entry visas.

Benefits of studying in Schengen

By obtaining a Schengen study visa, you will be able to travel to all Schengen countries without a visa throughout your studies, and in addition, the family will be able to accompany the applicant.

Reason for rejecting a Schengen study visa

1- Submitting fake documents

2. Having a criminal record

3. Submission of incomplete or invalid documents

4. Lack of financial capacity

5. Vague travel plan presentation

6- Failure to provide residence documents

7. Damaged and damaged passport

Ways to eliminate Schengen study visa rejection

A letter informing the Schengen student of the reason for the rejection states that there are marked options in the letter, indicating a problem. After receiving this letter, you have 30 days to protest the rejection of your Schengen study visa.

* To apply for a Schengen study visa again, you must wait 6 months if you apply before 6 months